

cp /usr/share/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
vim ~/.vimrc


1. 调节背景颜色为黑色,适于putty远程登陆
2. 简单的括号补全
3. 复制粘贴快捷键
4. 快速打开新tab


" All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/debian.vim (usually just
" /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/debian.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
" you can find below.  If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
" do it in this file (/etc/vim/vimrc), since debian.vim will be overwritten
" everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed.  It is recommended to
" make changes after sourcing debian.vim since it alters the value of the
" 'compatible' option.

" This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
" properly set to work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian.
runtime! debian.vim

" Uncomment the next line to make Vim more Vi-compatible
" NOTE: debian.vim sets 'nocompatible'.  Setting 'compatible' changes numerous
" options, so any other options should be set AFTER setting 'compatible'.
"set compatible

" Vim5 and later versions support syntax highlighting. Uncommenting the
" following enables syntax highlighting by default.
if has("syntax")
  syntax on

" If using a dark background within the editing area and syntax highlighting
" turn on this option as well
set background=dark

" Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when
" reopening a file
if has("autocmd")
  au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif

set scrolloff=3
" Uncomment the following to have Vim load indentation rules and plugins
" according to the detected filetype.
if has("autocmd")
"  filetype plugin indent on

" The following are commented out as they cause vim to behave a lot
" differently from regular Vi. They are highly recommended though.
set showcmd		" Show (partial) command in status line.
set showmatch		" Show matching brackets.
"set ignorecase		" Do case insensitive matching
set smartcase		" Do smart case matching
"set incsearch		" Incremental search
"set autowrite		" Automatically save before commands like :next and :make
"set hidden             " Hide buffers when they are abandoned
"set mouse=a		" Enable mouse usage (all modes)
set showmode
set ws
set autoindent
set smartindent
set cindent
set incsearch

"set tabstop
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4

set noexpandtab

let mapleader= ","
"for tabedit
"use ctrl+t creat new tab
"use tab switch
map  :tabedit
imap  :tabedit
map  :tabnext
map  :tabprevious

"for select-all, copy, paset
map a ggVG
map y "+y

" carefull use it
" change to hex_visual
map h :%!xxd
map H :%!xxd -r

" auto_full 
:inoremap ( ()i
:inoremap { {}i

" Source a global configuration file if available
if filereadable("/etc/vim/vimrc.local")
  source /etc/vim/vimrc.local

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