Vanish @ CS. Washington

Vanish: Increasing Data Privacy With Self-Destruting Data

… To protect the privacy of past, archived data  …. Become unreadable after a userspecified time.  … Even attacker obtains both a cached copy of that data and user’s cryptographic keys and passwords.

1 Introduction

We target … that self-destructs or vanishes automatically after it is no longer useful.  … And Ann would like that all copies of this email – regardless of where stored or cached. … Where user’s sensitive data can persist “in the cloud” indefinitely.

The key insight behind our approach and the corresponding system, called Vanish.

DHTs (Distributed Hash Tables)

Care must be taken in handling and evaluating the mechanisms employed to ensure its security, practicality, and performance.

2 Candidate Approaches

However, we find that none of these approaches are sufficient to achieve the goals enumerated in Section. [ Read file know more ]

3 Goals and Assumptions

To suppot our target …. we introduce the notion of a vanishing data object (VDO).

VDO abstraction and Vanish system make serveral key assumptions:
1.Time-limited value.  VDO encapsulate data that only of value to the user for a limited period of time.
2.Known timeout. When a user encapsulates data in a VDO, she the VDO lifetime.
3.Internet connectivity. users are connected to the Internet when interacting with VDOs.
4.Dispensability under attack. Rather than risk exposure to an adversary, the user perfers the VDO to be destroyed.

We target the following functional goals and properties for Vanish:
1. Destruction after timeout.
2.Accessible until timeout.
3.Leverage existing infrastructures.


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